Comprehensive Plan Maps:
- 1972 Zoning Map
- Aerial Photos 2001
- Aerial Photos 2004
- Agriculture
- Archeologically Sensitive Areas
- Bedrock Geology
- Biodiversity and Natural Heritage
- Bridges
- Farmland
- Flood Hazards
- National Register, Recreation Sites and Unincorporated Places
- Property Class
- School Districts
- Steep Slopes
- Subwatersheds
- Surficial Geology
- Topography
- Water Features
- Watersheds
Agriculture & Farmland Protection Plan Maps
- Aerial Photos 2004
- Agricultural Tax Exemptions
- Agriculture
- Ancram Farmland
- Buildout-Potential New Residences (Clustered)
- Buildout-Potential New Residences
- Environmental Features
- Farmland
- Farmland-High Hydrogeologic Sensitivity
- Farmland-Unconsolidated Aquifers
- Historic Farmland Buildout
- LESA Ranking-Farm Parcel
- Parcels-Categorized By Year Built
- Preserved Properties
- Property Class
- Zoning Concept
Conservation Advisory Council
- Ancram Biodiversity Map, Roeliff Jansen Kill Corridor, March 29, 2011