Ethics Board Members
Jack Lindsey (2026), Chairman
Ron Brant (2027)
Linda Pulver (2027)
Eric Wiener (2025)
David Dembo (2024)
Alternate: Sheila Gowen (2026)
Ancram has had an Ethics law in effect since 1970. The Ethics Law was reviewed and updated in 2010, and adopted by the Town Board at the November 2010 Town Board meeting. The new Ethics Law establishes a five person Board of Ethics, outlines procedures for submitting requests to have the Ethics Board provide opinions on matters involving ethical considerations, and also a process to request that the Ethics Board investigate allegations of ethical misconduct. To make the Board of Ethics independent of political influence, Ethics Board members are appointed for staggered five year terms, with one of the five members’ terms expiring each year. Ethics Board members may serve three consecutive five years terms. Appointments to the Ethics Board will be made by the Town Board from candidates recommended by the Board of Ethics. The Ethics Board has subpoena powers, can recommend fines and the dismissal of appointed and elected officials if, after an investigation, the Ethics Board finds violations of the Town, County or State ethics laws. Further, making false statements to the Ethics Board is perjury, and can result in the criminal penalties which apply to perjury.
The Ethics Board also has the authority to refer matters to the County Ethics Board for action if the Town Board does not act to support its recommendations.