Please take notice that the Town of Ancram Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 4th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
Meeting ID: 849 8446 2868
Passcode: 816288
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,84984462868#,,,,*816288# US (New York).
Under consideration is the application for a Special Use Permit for Pole Mounted Solar Panels on parcel IDs# 205.-1-19.200 owned by Joe Romano at 795 Wiltsie Bridge Road, Ancramdale, NY 12503. All persons wishing to comment on the application will have an opportunity to do so. Comments may be made at the meeting, via email, or by mail. Any person with questions concerning the application may contact the clerk, J. Hoffman, by phone (329-6512 ext. 205), email (, or in person by appointment at the Ancram Town Hall).