In the Matter of the Application of O&G Industries, Inc., Appealing from the determination of the Town Zoning Enforcement Officer that O&G Industries, Inc. Has Not Engaged in Mining Activities on Its Properties (Tax Parcel Nos. 208.-1-14.100 & 207.-1-24) for a Period Exceeding Two Years, and That Its Right to Conduct Mining on Its Properties as a Valid Nonconforming Use Has Expired
Zoning Board of Appeals Case No. 03 OF 2023
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Town of Ancram Zoning Board of Appeals will reopen the Public Hearing on the O & G Industries, Inc appeal on Monday, January 22, 2024 at 7:05 p.m. or shortly thereafter for the purpose of hearing any comments pertaining to the new materials provided by O&G Industries, Inc., which were provided in response to requests made by the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding any past reports of mining activities conducted on the Properties.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, the Public Hearing will be a hybrid meeting accessible both in-person and via Zoom. The meeting will take place at the aforementioned date and time: (1) at an in-person meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals to be held at the Ancram Town Hall, located at 1416 County Route 7 Ancram, New York 12502; and (2) at the same date and time via Zoom. (Zoom access information below).
Under consideration is an application and appeal by O&G Industries, Inc., referred to hereafter as the “Applicant” or “O&G”, from a determination of the Town of Ancram Zoning Enforcement Officer (ZEO), initially dated May 31, 2023, and later confirmed on July 29, 2023, finding that the Applicant had not conducted mining activities on its Properties for a period of more than two years, and because of that, it has lost its nonconforming status to continue to mine on its Properties.
The Applicant is the owner of certain adjacent real properties in the Town of Ancram, located on the east side of County Route 22 south of Boston Corners Road, identified by Columbia County Tax Map Parcel Nos. 208.-1-14.100 and 207.-1-24, which the Applicant refers to as the “Boston Corners Mine.”
The Applicant submitted a Notice of Appeals on July 26, 2023, in response to the May 31, 2023 ZEO Determination, and on September 18, 2023, in response to the June 29, 2023 ZEO Determination. In its appeal, the Applicant is requesting that the Zoning Board of Appeals make a determination “that O & G’s Special Use Permit, Town of Ancram Permit Number ‘Renewal 17-13’ was duly approved by the Town of Ancram Planning Board on December 7, 2017, and remained in full force and effect during the 2017-2022 SUP Permit term” and “Finding Appellant’s Boston Corners Mine was an approved special permit use and ‘deemed conforming’ to the extent of its NYSDEC MLRL [New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Mined Land Reclamation Law] approved mining plans during the 2-17-2023 SUP permit term pursuant to the provisions of Town of Ancram Zoning Law Article VI.”
On November 27, 2023, the Town of Ancram Zoning Board of Appeals held a Public Hearing on the Appeal. Following the Public Hearing, the Applicant provided additional documentation in support of their Appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, at the request of the Zoning Board of Appeals. This re-opened public hearing is being conducted to hear only comments pertaining to these new documents that were received. Comments that have already been made during the previous public hearing session are part of the record, and should not be repeated during this public hearing session.
Paper copies of the application documents are available for review at the Town Hall by appointment with the Zoning Board Clerk (contact information below).
To participate in the public hearing via Zoom:
Zoom Meeting ID: 601 787 8873
Zoom Password: 247210
Dial by your location
- +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that all persons wishing to comment on the supplemental submissions will have an opportunity to do so. Comments may be made in-person at the meeting, via Zoom, via email, or by regular mail. Any person with questions concerning the application may contact the Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk, J. Hoffman, by phone (518 329-6512 ext. 205), email (, or in person (Monday, Friday, and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Ancram Town Hall).
- Hoffman,
Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk