2023 Preliminary Budget Public Hearing – Resolved, that the Ancram Town Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2023 Preliminary Budget at 6:55 pm on Thursday, October 20, 2022 at the Ancram Town Hall, 1416 CR 7, Ancram NY 12502. 2023 salaries for elected Town Officials are budgeted to increase by on average 5% to the following amounts: Town Board members $3200; Town Supervisor $5250; Town Justices: $6125; Town Clerk: $35,650; Town Highway Superintendent: $67,300. In addition, the Ancram Town Board will consider and may approve a one-time, lump sum, non-recurring, inflation adjustment payment of up to 5% for all employees, including elected officials, at the December 2022 Town Board meeting to be paid in 2023 if the rate of inflation continues at current levels. The 2023 Preliminary Budget will be available from the Ancram Town Clerk, will be posted on the Town website at www.ancramny.org and will be circulated to the Ancramemail list.