The Ancram Highway Department is looking for applicants with a CDL and experience driving 10 wheel plow trucks for occasional part time employment. If interested, or if y9u would like more information, please contact Ancram Highway Superintendent Jim Miller at 518-329-6190.
Archives for December 2020
2021 Organizational Meeting on January 7, 2021
The Town of Ancram will hold its 2021 Organizational Meeting on January 7, 2021 at 6.30 pm via ZOOM. The Zoom invitation follows.
Town of Ancram 2021 Organizational Meeting Zoom Invitation:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 838 3149 2950
Passcode: 293492
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,83831492950#,,,,,,0#,,293492# US (New York)
+13017158592,,83831492950#,,,,,,0#,,293492# US (Washington D.C)
Town of Ancram Accepting Bids
Please be advised that the Town of Ancram will be accepting bids on the following items:
Bank Run Gravel
Item #4 gravel
Crusher Run 7/8 minus
Hot and Cold mix asphalt
#3 stone
1/4″ washed crushed stone
1/2″ washed crushed stone
Item #4 processed gravel
Screen fill
6F asphalt
7F asphalt
Sand for snow and ice control
1/4″ washed stone
Modified item #4
#2 Stone
Gabion Stone
Bids will be accepted at the office of the Highway Superintendent, 32 Maple Lane, Ancramdale NY 12503 until 3:30 January 5, 2021. Bids will be opened at the Town Clerks office, 1416 Couty Route 7 Ancram NY 12502, at 11am on January 6, 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Ancram Town Hall is closed to the public. If you wish to attend the bid openings, please contact the Highway Superintendent at 518-329-0962 to make an appointment. All safety precautions will need to be adhered to including masks, temperature check and health screening questions. Bids will be approved or rejected at the Ancram Town Board Organization meeting via Zoom on January 7, 2021 at 7pm.
Bids will be effective one year starting January 1, 2021 theought December 31, 2021. All bids must be accompanied with a letter of non collusion.
Monica R. Cleveland
Town Clerk
Town of Ancram