The Ancram Town Board will hold a public hearing at 6.30 pm on February 20, 2020 at the AncramTown Hall, 1416 County Route 7, Ancram NY 12503 on a proposed local law amending Article V of the 2014 Zoning Law to incorporate the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone (SCOZ) supplemental regs from LL #1 of 2003 into the 2014 Zoning Law, thereby making the 2014 Zoning Law more complete and making it easier for all interested parties to find in one source all the information they seek. The proposed amendment makes no substantive changes to the content of the current supplemental regs affecting the SCOZ.
Archives for January 2020
Town of Ancram Planning Board Public Hearing
Please take notice that the Town of Ancram Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 6th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ancram Town Hall, 1416 County Route 7 Ancram, New York 12502. Under consideration is the application for Commercial Site Plan Review for an addition to a gas station on parcel ID# 198.-1-5 owned by S A M North LLC, located at 7373 Route 22, Copake, NY, 12516. All persons wishing to comment on the application will have an opportunity to do so at the Public Hearing. Further, any person with questions concerning the application may contact the clerk, John Hoffman, by phone (329-6512 ext. 205), email (, or in person (Wednesday and Saturday 10AM-2PM Ancram Town Hall).
John Hoffman III,
Ancram Planning Board Clerk
Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 6th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m
Please take notice that the Town of Ancram Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 6th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ancram Town Hall, 1416 County Route 7 Ancram, New York 12502. Under consideration is the application for a subdivision of parcel ID #206.-1-2.22, owned by Taking Care Farm LLC, the parcel is located at Simons Road, Ancramdale, NY 12503. All persons wishing to comment on the application will have an opportunity to do so, comments may be made at the meeting, via email, or by mail. Any person with questions concerning the application may contact the clerk, John Hoffman, by phone (329-6512 ext. 205), email(, or in-person (Wed. and Sat. 10AM – 2PM Ancram Town Hall).
John Hoffman III,
Planning Board Clerk