*Note: See more Zoning Document history on Laws Archive Page
Proposed Local Law #6 of 2023 (Zoning Amendments)
- Memo to the Town Board that identifies the information and process related to reviewing and adopting LL#6 of 2023
- A Resolution adopted by the TB which introduces the proposed LL to the community and directs several actions
- FEAF Section F, which is a narrative explanation that provides a good overview of the proposed amendments/law
- FEAF Part I (Project and Setting), which starts the SEQRA review process
- Draft “marked up” copy of proposed Local Law #6 of 2023
Zoning Revisions
Zoning Law, Local Law #2 of 2014, adopted November 20, 2014, consolidates all 2011-2014 zoning amendments.
Zoning Law, LL #2 of 2014, November 20, 2014
Package 5 of the Zoning Amendments, proposed ridgeline protection regulations, subsequently modified and adopted on June 19, 2014.
Memo transmitting Package 5
Ridgeline Protection Questions & Answers
Supplemental Regulations V(H), Ridgeline Protection
The following Package 4 Zoning Amendments were adopted by the Ancram Town Board on February 21, 2013:
Section IV: Area & Bulk Regulations
Supplemental Regulations, Section V
Individual Standards, Section V J (10)
Definitions, Section XII
Package 3 of the Zoning Amendments was adopted by the Ancram Town Board on September 20, 2012 and October 18, 2012. Here are the specific amendments and related letters of transmission and meeting minutes:
Transmittal Memo dated 20 June 2012
Section II: Establishment of Districts
Section III: Use Regulations
Section IV B: Area and Bulk Regulations: Density Control Schedule
Section IV I: Density Bonuses
Section V J: Special Use Permits
Section VI: Non-Conforming Uses, Buildings, and Lots
ZRC Minutes 9/24/2012
The following zoning amendments were adopted on October 20, 2011:
Section V(I) – Open Space Conservation Subdivisions
Section XIII – Site Plan Review
The following zoning amendments were adopted on July 21, 2011:
Section I. Title and Scope
Section VII. Administration and Enforcement
Section VIII. Zoning Board of Appeals
Section IX. Planning Board
Section X. Amendments
Section XI. Interpretation and Applications
Section XII. Definitions